Stir Fry broccoli pork and Boiled taro potato

Basically, Food additive, processed food, sucrose which is harmful for health are not used. 

Menu and Time
Stir Fry broccoli and pork
Boiled radish, fried tofu, taro potato

Total Fee: 450 JPY

Material and Nutrition
Protein, Vitamin B1, Nicene
Covert the sugar into energy, Keep skin healthy
Recover from fatigue

Vitamin C
Folic acid: Cell production and regeneration, red blood cell production
Sulforaphane: Enhance the body's antioxidant and detoxifying power.

Taro potate
Potassium: Extract sodium
It is an essential nutrition that keeps bones, skin and blood vessel walls healthy, and also has the effect of producing collagen, which is essential for skin care.
In addition, it is also a material that produces melanin pigment for beautiful dark hair.
Molybdenum contained in taro is a nutrient that promotes the use of iron stored in the liver, and because it has a hematopoietic action, it is effective in preventing anemia.
